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Minimu designteam

Minimu designteam -

Vi är oerhört glada att få presentera vårt nya designteam, två fantastiska personer med bakgrund inom både textildesign, illustration och kandidatexamen i Child Culture & Design från HDK-Valand.

Mona Frodig Minimu

Mona Frodig
Illustrator / artist

Mona Frodig’s is a multidisciplinary American artist based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Her work draws directly from observing her surroundings and seeing the playful overseen side of her day to day. Frodig finds beauty in ordinary things, taking inspiration from her childhood, conversations with children and small moments in her daily life. Frodig has a background in Textile design, sculpture and studied Child Culture and Design at HDK-Valand masters program.


Juli Litkei Minimu

Juli Litkei
Illustrator/ Graphic Designer

Juli Litkei is an illustrator and designer with a big heart for children’s culture and nature. Through her work, she strives on highlighting unseen details, conveying meaningful stories and celebrating the wonderful complexity of the world around us. She tries to use visual language to express and trigger kindness, compassion, joy and playfulness. Juli’s background is in Graphic Design with an additional masters degree in Child Culture and Design from HDK-Valand - Design and Crafts Academy in Gothenburg.